Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Update

Romans 4...Twenty times...Out loud....What could I possibly get from reading the same chapter 20 times? I'll admit this was my attitude when I first read this a couple of days ago. Well, let me tell you, I'm on my third time and it is getting clearer and clearer. I'm truly hearing the words my mouth are saying and starting to understand more and more. I'm in trial this week so it has been difficult to post everything I've wanted to, but I have managed to get all my homework done and really focus on the commitment of this study.

Blue bracelet:
For me my blue ribbon is really a bracelet because I couldn't find any cord at Wal-Mart. I have decided to use my bracelet as a constant reminder to "just believe". For me that means making the commitment to be in the word everyday and focus on this studies requirements (homework, note cards, etc.)

Note cards:
Yes, I'm doing them and they are really a great thing to read first thing in the morning. I've not only made the one directed by Beth, but also a couple of others that really jumped off the page at me.

I'm very excited about seeing everyone tonight. I hope you have all had a blessed week and are really focusing on Believing God!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Catch-Up Homework 1 & 2

Day One:

1. Ephesians 1:11-23 synopsis:

  • Since we have been chosen, we must strive to believe in Him.

2. What specific promise applies to those who continue believing, as stated in verses 19-20?

  • God is here, now, for us always!

3. We've talked about belief and continuing to believe. God gave us His Word first and foremost to call us into relationship with its Author and our Savior. What additional reasons has God given us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17?

  • teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness

4. Look up each occurrence of the word faith in the book of Ephesians. What does each tell you about the concept of believing God?

  • Ephesians 1:15--Others should know my faith
  • Ephesians 2:8--God saved me when I believed
  • Ephesians 3:12--Because I have faith I can talk to Him anytime
  • Ephesians 3:17--Christ lives within me because I believe
  • Ephesians 4:5--The only way is believing in Him
  • Ephesians 4:13--Faith is continual
  • Ephesians 6:16--With faith as my shield, I always believe
  • Ephesians 6:23--God loves us with faith

Day Two

1. According to Ephesians 1:19, what does God choose to exert in the lives of those who continually accept the challenge to believe Him?

  • His incomparably great power

2. Why were we created, according to Revelation 4:11?

  • For God's pleasure

3. How will God respond to those who believe Him and seek Him (Heb. 11:6)?

  • He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.


4. The phrase "that diligently seek" is in the verb tense we're highlighting in our series. What does the verb tense tell us about the kind of seeking God most rewards?

  • God most rewards continual, faithful seeking of Him.

WOW Statement: "Pray for what you lack!"

I will post yesterday's and today's homework tonight at home and then I will be caught up to post daily. I hope you find this interesting and leave comments of what your answers are and how you are Believing!

Session One

I'm playing catch up because I just decided late last night to start this blog, but our first session was last Wednesday night. As with all of Beth's studies she starts off with a bang. Explaining what direction our journey will take us and charging us with many things to think about. Two missions were are to accomplish by the end of this week (our group's week runs Wednesday to Wednesday) are to get a set of 3 x 5 index cards for scriptures and a durable eight-inch blue ribbon, thick yarn, or thin braided cord. I've gotten both of those done and it is only Monday. Whoa, that is a big step for me!! Do you have your cards and ribbon, yet?


"My 'promised land' is the place where my theology merges with my reality."
  • Think about that for just a second. We all would like to think that our theology is reality for us, but lets be honest for just a second. When bad things happen or in the good times do we ALWAYS turn to our belief in God. We would like to think that what we say we believe is how we act, what we do 100% of the time. But do we really believe God can heal the sick or do we pray that the right doctor will heal our loved one. Does your theology merge with your reality and does it 100% of the time?

"Our promised lands are places where God is willing to work untold wonders, but He desires two critical preparations from us: Faith and Sanctification."

"Five-Statement Pledge of Faith"
  1. God is who He says He is.
  2. God can do what He says he can do.
  3. I am who God says I am.
  4. I can do all things through Christ.
  5. God's word is alive and active in me.

How amazing and SO MUCH to think about and this was only the first session. I am looking forward to this journey!


As some of you may know (or may be in class with me) I started a new Bible Study called Believing God. The author, Beth Moore, is an amazing woman who challenges women in this study to start "Believing" God. This is an amazing study so far and I am doing everything I can to increase my accountability. The best way I could think of helping to keep myself accountable was to let you guys in on my weekly "homework". As part of this series each week we have five days of homework. After I complete a day of homework I am going to post the highlights and maybe even some questions I have. If you have any comments please feel free to leave them on the blog or email me directly. I will also post during the weeks as I have what Beth calls "God Stops." According to Beth GodStops are when God makes Himself ovservable. It is any means by which god seems to go out of His way during the day to make Himself known. For those of you doing the study with me on Wednesday nights, feel free to add your own answers to homework or questions in the comments. I hope this is a way we can all help each other stay accountable and start BELIEVING GOD!

Love ya!